Lesbian opera singer Laurie Rubin dreams in color

Laurie Rubin

The stunningly talented Mezzo-Soprano Laurie Rubin and her guide dog (Photo: Jennifer Taira)


“She said to me, ‘Wow! I didn’t expect you to look so foxy,’” Laurie Rubin giggles, recounting the observation a librarian made during a recent reading for her memoir, “Do You Dream In Color?” Blind since birth, she has written about her life and the pivotal challenges and rewards that have crossed her path, dispelling misconceptions about blindness and the cynics in her life who told her she would never have a job, find romance or be independent. Clearly, they didn’t know Rubin.

Swayed by opera at a young age, the now internationally recognized mezzo-soprano has performed legendary recitals with world-renowned musicians, and is the recipient of many awards, including her maiden moment — the 1997 LA Music Center Spotlight Award. Adorned with ‘Bravas!’ Rubin shares her message of resilience through the beauty of music. “Do You Dream In Color,” the memoir title taken from the piece Rubin wrote with composer Bruce Adolphe, is a book about taking chances. Growing up, Rubin second-guessed herself, enamored with the idea of being social, but struggling for acceptance among her peers.

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