Ugandan President signs ‘Jail All the Gays’ bill into law
AT&T publicly condemns Russia’s anti-LGBT laws
Telecommunications giant stands up for LGBT rights in public statement.
Stoli sides with LGBT community
Stolichnaya vodka’s US branch announces partnership with L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center to counter anti-gay laws in Russia.
Ugandan president rejects anti-gay bill
Despite rejection of famous anti-gay bill, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni makes it clear he thinks gays are “abnormal.”
Queer couples kiss-in at Ikea
LGBT Brooklynites protest Ikea’s decision to pull a lesbian couple from a Russian version of their catalog with an in-store kiss-in.
Five women arrested in Senegal under anti-gay law
Senegalese law states “improper or unnatural act with a person of the same sex” can result in prison sentence or large fines.
Petition asks American Olympic team to carry rainbow flag
Petition suggests athletes send a unified message by carrying gay pride flags or wearing rainbows on their uniforms.