Womenfest Key West

Womenfest Key West

September 4, 2014 - September 7, 2014, All Day
(all times are local to the event)
San Carlos Institute

Key West welcomes women from across the globe to an annual celebration that has become one of the largest gatherings of lesbians and friends in North America—Womenfest! Each year thousands of ladies come together over the Labor Day weekend and stay for a wide range of activities and events during four days of revelry and fun. This year’s schedule includes concerts and live entertainment with noted performers like Hunter Valentine, Sandra Valls, Gloria Bigelow, Julie Goldman, Sister Funk and Raven who play to sold out audiences. A beach party, pool parties at noted guest houses, the always popular “Commotion on the Ocean” boat parties and a “Dancing on Duval” block party will provide daily fun and opportunities to meet friends old and new. And to inspire the intellect there will be tours, lectures and studio demonstrations as well.

Posted & filed under Festivals.