
October 5, 2013 - October 8, 2013, 4:00 pm - 2:00 am
(all times are local to the event)
Rumor Hotel

Presented by Pandora Events:

S (he) don-ism – Derived from the root word he-don-ism. The feminine art of being sinful. Excess, indulgence and debauchery. Devotion to pleasure as a way of life. Pleasure and happiness serve as the ultimate goal. Un-lady like behavior encouraged.

A weekend long celebration of SIN, in none other than SIN CITY! Day parties, nightclub parties, pop stars, singers, dancers, performers, DJ’s, comedians, show girls, poker tournaments & a parade (just to name a few). All happening in one weekend for an “L”GBT experience like no other. The official women’s events of Las Vegas Pride. Shedonism, the original Women’s weekend in Las Vegas with a complete resort hotel TAKE OVER! Shedonism 2013 featuring new events and venues!

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