She She Single’s Retreat in Southern California Wine Country

She She Single's Retreat in Southern California Wine Country

July 4, 2014 - July 6, 2014, All Day
(all times are local to the event)
Vina De Lestonic Retreat Center

Enjoy sharing an amazing weekend adventure with 25 other wonderful, single women over 40. A She She Single’s Retreat is not just a super fun vacation,  it’s a deeply meaningful experience. Each retreat is designed to allow you to really connect with other women whether you are shy or outgoing, sporty or a couch-hugger. Imagine the value of having 25 new, close connections for friendship, career, networking, roomies, advice, support, not to mention meeting all their single friends. Enjoy golf, biking, wine tasting, pool parties and much more at a private retreat in a beautiful wine country location.

Posted & filed under Travel.