Seattle Inferno with the Breakers

Seattle Inferno with the Breakers

August 3, 2013, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
(all times are local to the event)

Seattle INFERNO with The Breakers

Hit up SEATTLE INFERNO on August 3 and hang with your peeps at the coolest party on the hill!

August 3rd is special because THE BREAKERS WOMEN’S RUGBY TEAM will be hitting Inferno. They’re SOOOO GOOD that they have won placement at Nationals this year. Come support Seattle’s best rugby team and help them raise a little cash to get to Nationals. Between our juju and their talent, they are sure winners! Let’s help them bring the championship to Seattle where it belongs!

The Breakers will be bringing in their own go-go dancers who are donating 100% of their tips to the team. There will be a goods raffle as well as a silent auction to bid on players for dates! This is going to
be so much F.U.N.!

Saturday, August 3rd from 6-10pm

Located at Neighbours
1509 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122

For more information please visit us at and/or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Posted & filed under Bar/Club.