September 7, 2012 - September 9, 2012, All Day
(all times are local to the event)
Ohio Lesbian Festival - Frontier Ranch
A festival for womyn that includes comedy, music, workshops and great food.
Arriving on the land Friday Evening allows womyn to get an early start on the weekend activities. After choosing your tent site and setting up you can settle in for a film festival along with popcorn and drinks. Later there will be a Cowgirl Theme Dance hosted by a DJ.
Beginning Saturday afternoon there will be 3 stages packed with talented, amazing womyn. Performers this year include Holly Near with emma’s revolution, Stacyann Chin, Reina Williams, RJ Cowdery, Early Girl, Tracy Walker, Robin Stone, Anna Vogelzang, Nervous But Excited and Viva! and the Velvet Hearts!
Between performances you can shop in the wonderful merchants area which features a wide variety of crafts, information, womyn-oriented products and personal services. Pick up a couple of CDs at Goldenrod, get a jar of strawberry jam, some “orgasmic” chocolate chip bread or a beautiful piece of jewelry for yourself or your special “festival someone”.
Saturday and Sunday are both filled with incredible workshops presented by womyn who want to share their knowledge with other womyn. Workshop offerings this year include such topics as African Dance, Buying a Fixer-Upper, How to Balance Moods with Food, Polyamory and Singing in Sacred Circle just to name a few. New this year are kid’s workshops such as African Dance, Basic Belly Dance and Dog Training (these are also offered as adult workshops). If you you’re looking for other activities throughout the weekend you can Tailgate while watching the OSU Buckeyes vs University of Toledo football game, participate in a Drumming Circle with the beloved Wahru, test your endurance in an Arm-Wrestling Tournament, or just sit back and soak yourself in the safety and love of a womyn-only space.