Gay Geek Meetups

November 29, 2012, 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
(all times are local to the event)
Green Carnation

Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, a geek or like drinking? If the answer to just one of the 5 is yes, then come along! Join us and enjoy an evening discussing the latest trends in web development, Android phones, Babylon 5 or D&D.

You don’t need to be a techy to join (although I might help you to become part of the cool geek crowd!) It doesn’t matter if you are an IT geek, love gadgets, are a sucker for scifi, addicted to comics or can’t stop re-watching Buffy! Geeks and nerds of all persuasions are welcome here. Stop living inside the Narnia closet and come out and meet us!

Gay Geek Drinks take place on the last Thursday each month. The next meetup will take place at Green Carnation in Soho.

Any suggestions regarding future GGDrinks – including venue suggestions – are welcome.

Posted & filed under Other.