Thomson Reuters comes out against gay marriage ban

Thompson Reuters voices favor for gay marriageBY STEVE WILLIAMS

Thomson Reuters, the company that operates the Reuters news agency, has come out against Minnesota’s proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

This announcement was made in a statement released via email to Thomson Reuters employees on Friday.

The statement as quoted by the Human Rights Campaign reads:

“As we’ve heard from employees, recruiters and customers, one thing has been very clear: we’re a better place when we have a rich variety of perspectives, talents, backgrounds, lifestyles and experiences in our workplace, and within the broader community from which we recruit. We believe that building a culture that thrives on diversity and inclusion and provides equal opportunities to everyone is a critical factor in our ability to serve our customers and be successful…We believe the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, if passed, would limit our ability to recruit and retain top talent. For this reason, we do not believe that the Amendment would be good for Thomson Reuters or the business community in the state.”


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