LGBT bullying: The only ‘gay agenda’ is survival

2 girls bullying anotherBY STEVE WILLIAMS

After recent widely publicized reports of anti-gay bullying at Mason Clark Middle School in East St. Louis, Illinois, the Hesperia Unified School District received a letter from The American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California this week accusing the district of allowing a climate of anti-LGBT bullying to persist at one of its high schools despite state law and district policy prohibiting it. The letter, which you can read here (.pdf), goes further than that, actually. It claims that administrators at Sultana High School are actively participating in the ostracizing of LGBT students.

This comes as a study released Thursday shows 89% of students in California report having heard homophobic slurs from students and 14% from school staff, while 37% reported being harassed because of their sexual orientation. We owe it to every child in America to act. Thankfully some lawmakers are doing just that although Congress has so far failed to move on previous versions of the Safe Schools Improvement Act.


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