Investing for gay and lesbian beginners

Investing headline in newspaperBY GIP PLASTER
The Gay Scribe Archive

If you’re planning to start investing, you’ll likely have no shortage of advice, but we thought you might like some good advice — uniquely tailored to our unique community.

We asked four of the country’s top investing experts — two who are part of the gay community and two who aren’t (that we know of) — to tell us their most important advice for gays and lesbians starting to invest. They offered not just the expected broad, esoteric advice that fills so many investment magazines, but the also offered some specific advice that will get your dollars on the path to earning you more money.

Read more at the The Gay Scribe Archive

The Gay Scribe Archive is a repository of work by Gip Plaster, an author who has written for gay and lesbian newspapers, magazines, websites and other publications around the country and the world. The Archive features a variety of author interviews, book reviews, business and consumer articles, as well as general interest pieces.

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