Flexing your happiness muscle: The self-care cure


The best way to feel good is to take care of yourself and do the things that feel good for your mind, body and soul. This may seem like an obvious statement, but why then do so many people feel drained and upset on a consistent basis? Because pressures come from all angles. Family, friends, spouses and co-workers all have their separate and unique demands. If you fail to meet at any of their requests then you can feel like a failure even when you are successfully balancing a million things like a champion.

It can be a challenge to engage in healthy doses of self care when you are busy pleasing everyone else but it is worth it tenfold to feel calm and happy. Some beginning self care moves that you can practice are drinking a ton of water and eating some fruit and vegetables; turning off your phone for a day and sleeping in; going to bed early instead of watching another show; taking a bath or a long shower and laying on your bed in the warm, wet towel under the covers until you accidentally take a nap… And if you decide to eat some cake, don’t get fat-free or sugar-free, (they are both full of toxic chemicals) and, secondly, don’t feel guilty for even one second. Just enjoy your cake.

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