Don’t toss that old cell phone: E-cycle instead

Trash can full of cell phonesBY ADAM L. BRINKLOW

It’s hardly news that technology moves forward quickly, but what should we tech savvy, first adopters do about our growing collection of obsolete gadgets while still being kind to the planet?

Every year, companies dazzle consumers with newer, sleeker and even more versatile versions of their best-selling gadgets — Motorola’s Droid X2 was released less than 13 months after the Droid X, and Apple released its iPad 2 only a year after the original. This whirlwind pace comes with a hidden price tag, as the EPA estimates that North Americans discard 125 million phones each year, making a total of 65,000 tons of landfill. A 2009 EPA survey showed almost 30 million computers discarded that year. Altogether, discarded electronics added up to 2.37 million short tons, and the pace has not abated.

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