Data collection key to addressing LGBT health issues

Doctor holding stethescopeBY KELLAN BAKER
Think Progress

The Institute of Medicine released a new report, “Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data in Electronic Health Records.” This report is a summary of a one-day workshop on LGBT data collection held at the IOM in October 2012, and it presents a variety of viewpoints on collecting these data in health care settings. Ultimately, these viewpoints converge on a common principle: collecting sexual orientation and gender identity data is a crucial component of making sure that LGBT people are getting the health care they need.

The workshop featured 19 presentations from experts in LGBT data collection, officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, providers at the forefront of efforts to appropriately collect and use these data in health care settings, health information technology vendors, and LGBT health advocates. The report compiles these presentations, along with comments from attendees and discussions following each presentation, into five chapters.


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