Contest: Win cake toppers, autographed photo album from ‘Jenny’s Wedding’

Jenny's Wedding Cake ToppersBY EMELINA MINERO

With wedding season around the corner, and marriage equality sweeping the world, more and more same-sex couples are getting married — because now we can.

Jenny’s Wedding,” a film starring Katherine Heigl (“Grey’s Anatomy”) as the title character, is bringing lesbian weddings into the mainstream with its fall theatrical release, and now filmmakers are offering the chance to win the wedding cake toppers prop from the film to use in your wedding.

You can also win a signed wedding album that includes all of the photos from Jenny’s ceremony autographed by Heigl and Mary Agnes Donoghue, the writer, director and producer of the film. Simply by spreading the news about “Jenny’s Wedding” Indiegogo campaign, you can win these unique mementos to use in your own upcoming wedding — or honor your wedding-to-be.

Here are the contest rules:

1. You must donate at least $1 to the “Jenny’s Wedding” Indiegogo campaign.

2. You must have an Indiegogo account. (It is free to sign up for one.)

3. When you share the “Jenny’s Wedding” Indiegogo campaign, you must be signed into your Indiegogo account.

4. To share, you can cut and paste the short link on the Indiegogo home page into your social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or you can use the share tools shown on the “Jenny’s Wedding” Indiegogo campaign page.

By sharing “Jenny’s Wedding” Indiegogo campaign while logged into your Indiegogo account, the people you refer to the campaign and the money raised from your referrals will be tracked. Whoever raises the most money through referrals will win the wedding cake toppers prop, as well as the signed wedding album.

The contest ends Thursday, April 3 at 12:00 am PST. Good luck!


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