25 companies and products boycotted for supporting LGBT rights

Twenty-five companies that were boycotted for supporting LGBT rightsBY KEVIN BURRA & CURTIS M. WONG
Huffington Post Gay Voices

Oreo’s support of Pride Month may have been applauded by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates after the popular brand released an image of a rainbow-stuffed cookie on its Facebook page, but not everyone was as ecstatic after the now-iconic shot went viral on a number of social media platforms.

As a result, a number of different Facebook groups have sprung up denouncing the controversial image. The founder of one writes, “Kraft foods and Oreo cookies have decided to toss the morals that formed our great nation right out the window and literally toss them right down our throat! Boycott Oreo cookies and hit them where it hurts…in the wallet.”

Read more at Huffington Post Gay Voices

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